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Suddenly, a brawl broke out. Troy remained oblivious at first, trying to finish his drink. When the third dwarf hit his table, he finally decided that was enough. A few quick spells were in order. Pulling out his ring of transmogrification, he waited for the next man to hit his table or the one next to his. Soon a burly human with thick red hair and a beard came crashing down on the table. Quickly, Troy pressed the ring against the man. The magic started. The man's hair grew longer, while his thick beard vanished. His broken nose straightened out as it shrunk. His lips became pouty and full. The teeth he had lost reappeared. His shoulders became rounder, his arms thinned and his hands shrank. The hair on them lightened. His former thick mat of hair disappeared while his chest and stomach began to shrink. Soon, two parts of his chest began to grow. They became round and full, with dark nipples and areola. The changes continued down his legs as they. He wandered off to watch Pou plough Mindy.My tears didn’t stop. Jorben was groaning, not happily, as he rogered my raw anus. I groveled, “It HURTS! OOOWWW!!”“Gonna...” Evondro’s dick exploded inside me. I love the feeling of hot cum erupting against my cervix, but the sensation collapsed under Jorben’s ass rasping. Sperm dripped down Evondro’s stilled dick. He relinquished control of my hips to his friend. Thrusts from behind made my cunt lap at the tip of the dick half stuck in it, as if it wanted to pump as much cum as possible. More of Evondro’s spunk streamed down his flexing spear. “Good Bitch.” He sighed beneath me, enjoying the motion Jorben sent through my body.“Now I can fuck you proper.” Jorben pulled me higher, allowing his prick to grind deeper into my rear chute. Evondro’s dick plopped out and flopped against his lower belly. Jorben actually sped up, despite his own pain. “Gotta make you cum!” He declared.Through my sobs and outcries, I managed to squeak. “Your doing it,.
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